all postcodes in NP7 / CRICKHOWELL

find any address or company within the NP7 postcode district

Postcode Area

NP / Newport

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NP7 6PE 0 51.830266 -3.006381
NP7 6PF 0 51.832324 -3.005411
NP7 6PG 0 51.83243 -3.006748
NP7 6PH 0 51.835536 -3.011447
NP7 6PJ 0 51.837492 -3.005714
NP7 6PL 0 51.836291 -3.010434
NP7 6PN 0 51.83525 -3.01028
NP7 6PP 0 51.834324 -3.008125
NP7 6AR 1 51.835193 -3.014778
NP7 6AZ 0 51.836206 -3.014133
NP7 6NJ 0 51.838746 -3.005176
NP7 6BJ 0 51.829268 -3.007418
NP7 6HZ 0 51.831925 -3.010046
NP7 6PY 28 0 51.843839 -3.00259
NP7 6BQ 6 0 51.834461 -3.01315
NP7 6DX 6 0 51.833618 -3.01662
NP7 6EJ 0 51.829314 -3.017249