all postcodes in NR10 / NORWICH

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Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR10 5NL 37 3 52.739338 1.239757
NR10 5NN 9 6 52.731622 1.223244
NR10 5NP 2 1 52.73421 1.218684
NR10 5NQ 16 0 52.743714 1.252708
NR10 5NR 4 0 52.739717 1.21661
NR10 5NS 2 0 52.738329 1.215713
NR10 5NU 76 17 52.728089 1.247579
NR10 5NW 2 0 52.733883 1.21783
NR10 5NX 13 0 52.729861 1.242614
NR10 5NY 1 0 52.729452 1.260164
NR10 5NZ 58 0 52.729535 1.276406
NR10 5PA 6 0 52.742919 1.250529
NR10 5PB 48 0 52.743117 1.251181
NR10 5PD 37 0 52.744473 1.260411
NR10 5PE 4 1 52.757635 1.286299
NR10 5PF 11 0 52.760966 1.282626
NR10 5PG 11 0 52.756635 1.270426
NR10 5PH 6 0 52.762184 1.263262
NR10 5PJ 22 1 52.764874 1.245212
NR10 5PL 3 0 52.765791 1.232381