all postcodes in NR20 / DEREHAM

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Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR20 5EQ 5 0 52.782484 0.907262
NR20 5ER 1 1 52.768824 0.934255
NR20 5ES 2 0 52.763908 0.936982
NR20 5ET 2 0 52.765598 0.908942
NR20 5EU 13 0 52.768711 0.91441
NR20 5EW 21 0 52.776506 0.945049
NR20 5EX 1 0 52.770686 0.903585
NR20 5EY 17 0 52.76178 0.933307
NR20 5EZ 4 0 52.765553 0.922175
NR20 5HA 5 0 52.746761 0.943486
NR20 5HB 22 0 52.745722 0.945135
NR20 5HD 25 0 52.747102 0.943183
NR20 5HE 45 0 52.746885 0.94428
NR20 5HF 24 1 52.744929 0.949201
NR20 5HG 53 0 52.744849 0.945891
NR20 5HH 61 2 52.743033 0.9542
NR20 5HJ 2 0 52.742238 0.960389
NR20 5HL 36 0 52.743672 0.956673
NR20 5HN 17 0 52.743515 0.963987
NR20 5HP 3 0 52.741257 0.957962