all postcodes in NR20 / DEREHAM

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Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR20 5NZ 8 0 52.788605 0.952141
NR20 5PA 6 0 52.787695 0.954734
NR20 5PB 6 0 52.792282 0.936621
NR20 5PD 2 0 52.804168 0.940659
NR20 5PE 1 0 52.810538 0.935049
NR20 5PF 3 0 52.803424 0.948518
NR20 5PG 4 0 52.793964 0.953958
NR20 5PH 5 0 52.79751 0.970058
NR20 5PJ 6 0 52.797741 0.97448
NR20 5PL 4 0 52.792628 0.971461
NR20 5PN 1 0 52.776505 1.032853
NR20 5PP 19 2 52.780084 1.032469
NR20 5PQ 13 0 52.792142 0.962112
NR20 5PR 6 0 52.783075 1.031931
NR20 5PS 15 1 52.777774 1.048874
NR20 5PT 7 1 52.774015 1.047855
NR20 5PU 13 0 52.771858 1.045727
NR20 5PX 1 0 52.785876 1.048279
NR20 5PY 2 0 52.789916 1.048847
NR20 5QA 4 0 52.795842 1.049203