all postcodes in NR20 / DEREHAM

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Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR20 5HR 26 0 52.739678 0.957099
NR20 5HS 16 0 52.739119 0.965334
NR20 5HU 6 0 52.74647 0.939573
NR20 5HW 2 0 52.7417 0.967509
NR20 5HX 18 0 52.748849 0.940515
NR20 5HY 1 0 52.776003 0.857569
NR20 5JA 7 0 52.748326 0.93879
NR20 5JB 15 2 52.747751 0.939122
NR20 5JD 1 0 52.746737 0.937942
NR20 5JG 2 0 52.741319 0.930495
NR20 5JH 40 0 52.750325 0.943015
NR20 5JJ 11 0 52.750227 0.9408
NR20 5JL 9 0 52.74989 0.941355
NR20 5JN 10 0 52.749476 0.942809
NR20 5JP 20 0 52.749886 0.945475
NR20 5JQ 28 2 52.750125 0.940215
NR20 5JR 4 0 52.751044 0.941937
NR20 5JS 15 3 52.752311 0.943019
NR20 5JT 6 0 52.752899 0.943678
NR20 5JU 6 0 52.755127 0.945177