all postcodes in NR20 / DEREHAM

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Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR20 5JW 13 0 52.74927 0.944163
NR20 5JX 15 0 52.756022 0.942821
NR20 5JY 4 0 52.75666 0.938136
NR20 5JZ 8 0 52.767567 0.942547
NR20 5LA 7 0 52.76859 0.945893
NR20 5LD 6 0 52.771023 0.953264
NR20 5LB 1 0 52.763 0.945723
NR20 5LE 17 2 52.764812 0.954948
NR20 5LF 1 0 52.769887 0.990684
NR20 5LH 48 1 52.760099 0.881934
NR20 5LJ 1 0 52.755877 0.885065
NR20 5LL 14 1 52.751609 0.893708
NR20 5LN 5 0 52.751192 0.898289
NR20 5LP 16 0 52.761192 0.896134
NR20 5LQ 3 1 52.761608 0.878613
NR20 5LR 9 0 52.757338 0.8886
NR20 5LS 8 0 52.757532 0.943149
NR20 5LU 10 1 52.790108 0.970744
NR20 5LW 5 0 52.755676 0.892937
NR20 5LX 1 0 52.790712 0.99327