all postcodes in NR28 / NORTH WALSHAM

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Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR28 0QJ 13 0 52.862458 1.39096
NR28 0QL 3 1 52.860025 1.389006
NR28 0QP 4 0 52.852456 1.371772
NR28 0QQ 10 0 52.862429 1.394168
NR28 0QR 0 52.850323 1.373404
NR28 0QS 0 52.849575 1.388043
NR28 0QT 0 52.844618 1.387463
NR28 0QU 0 52.860159 1.391494
NR28 0QW 1 52.855314 1.37088
NR28 0QX 0 52.849443 1.378729
NR28 0QY 0 52.862934 1.394835
NR28 0QZ 0 52.860592 1.396149
NR28 0RA 8 52.828293 1.401947
NR28 0RB 0 52.832724 1.401105
NR28 0RD 0 52.834094 1.393148
NR28 0RE 0 52.83419 1.392651
NR28 0RF 2 52.835262 1.390373
NR28 0RG 0 52.837028 1.390195
NR28 0RH 1 52.845138 1.386895
NR28 0RJ 0 52.838918 1.393673