all postcodes in NR28 / NORTH WALSHAM

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Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR28 0JF 3 0 52.822632 1.379427
NR28 0JG 6 0 52.815284 1.370866
NR28 0JH 9 0 52.822296 1.364328
NR28 0JJ 4 0 52.820553 1.346486
NR28 0JL 2 0 52.825521 1.349258
NR28 0JN 6 0 52.818514 1.347958
NR28 0JP 1 0 52.814789 1.344217
NR28 0JQ 6 1 52.816581 1.366072
NR28 0JR 12 0 52.816775 1.34143
NR28 0JS 2 0 52.817668 1.34132
NR28 0JT 2 0 52.825913 1.345187
NR28 0JU 14 2 52.81653 1.339849
NR28 0JW 3 0 52.817668 1.347017
NR28 0JY 2 1 52.818633 1.316559
NR28 0JZ 1 0 52.816419 1.316925
NR28 0LA 14 0 52.816832 1.311152
NR28 0LB 3 0 52.816806 1.316876
NR28 0LD 31 2 52.81471 1.334855
NR28 0LE 10 0 52.814796 1.333129
NR28 0LF 4 0 52.815185 1.333663