all postcodes in NR28 / NORTH WALSHAM

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Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR28 0PJ 4 0 52.85868 1.393816
NR28 0PL 24 0 52.861059 1.395235
NR28 0PN 10 0 52.860131 1.395593
NR28 0PP 5 0 52.859777 1.3935
NR28 0PQ 6 0 52.857609 1.392651
NR28 0PR 7 0 52.86034 1.393648
NR28 0PS 5 2 52.862523 1.395305
NR28 0PT 19 0 52.86338 1.394584
NR28 0PU 35 0 52.863244 1.390843
NR28 0PW 30 0 52.860752 1.393071
NR28 0PX 7 0 52.866522 1.377192
NR28 0PY 4 0 52.865841 1.401925
NR28 0PZ 4 0 52.862883 1.396551
NR28 0QA 11 0 52.862367 1.397298
NR28 0QB 21 0 52.862887 1.402377
NR28 0QD 1 0 52.861193 1.401921
NR28 0QE 19 1 52.860969 1.399938
NR28 0QF 41 0 52.861069 1.397405
NR28 0QG 42 0 52.861486 1.392861
NR28 0QH 15 0 52.859946 1.390749