all postcodes in NR28 / NORTH WALSHAM

find any address or company within the NR28 postcode district

Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR28 0LG 13 0 52.815116 1.334549
NR28 0LH 2 0 52.813173 1.338378
NR28 0LJ 31 0 52.813485 1.337511
NR28 0LL 2 1 52.808682 1.33882
NR28 0LN 3 0 52.804234 1.336398
NR28 0LP 5 1 52.7982 1.329021
NR28 0LQ 21 1 52.813387 1.33878
NR28 0LR 12 1 52.808379 1.316268
NR28 0LS 7 0 52.812402 1.320047
NR28 0LT 1 1 52.813094 1.322312
NR28 0LU 8 2 52.808523 1.348915
NR28 0LW 1 0 52.792797 1.319666
NR28 0LX 7 0 52.826317 1.386079
NR28 0LY 16 0 52.827426 1.3851
NR28 0LZ 32 0 52.826855 1.38461
NR28 0NB 10 8 52.827186 1.368243
NR28 0ND 4 0 52.831886 1.373775
NR28 0NE 19 0 52.835976 1.366563
NR28 0NF 1 0 52.840425 1.359952
NR28 0NG 1 0 52.83788 1.355167