all postcodes in NR32 / LOWESTOFT

find any address or company within the NR32 postcode district

Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR32 1RH 2 0 52.476071 1.749487
NR32 1RL 1 1 52.476629 1.749467
NR32 1RP 30 0 52.478818 1.750508
NR32 1RQ 17 4 52.476061 1.749802
NR32 1RR 7 1 52.480127 1.750944
NR32 1RS 27 0 52.481113 1.751028
NR32 1RT 14 0 52.480388 1.750642
NR32 1RY 38 0 52.482556 1.751489
NR32 1RZ 5 0 52.479041 1.750012
NR32 1SA 34 0 52.479671 1.750271
NR32 1SB 8 0 52.479747 1.751574
NR32 1SD 25 0 52.479978 1.750239
NR32 1SE 9 1 52.480885 1.751701
NR32 1SF 24 0 52.482752 1.751824
NR32 1SG 23 3 52.483184 1.752951
NR32 1SL 3 0 52.483137 1.754147
NR32 1SP 56 1 52.48534 1.753613
NR32 1SQ 30 1 52.483156 1.75101
NR32 1SR 30 0 52.484494 1.754483
NR32 1SS 6 0 52.484778 1.753167