all postcodes in NW2 / LONDON

find any address or company within the NW2 postcode district

Postcode Area

NW / North West London

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NW2 7BX 0 51.566244 -0.23322
NW2 7BY 0 51.566052 -0.233603
NW2 7BZ 1 51.56244 -0.239619
NW2 7DA 0 51.565451 -0.234333
NW2 7DB 0 51.565014 -0.233326
NW2 7DD 0 51.563754 -0.232062
NW2 7DE 0 51.56378 -0.232623
NW2 7DF 0 51.560975 -0.236267
NW2 7DG 0 51.564876 -0.233706
NW2 7DH 0 51.564458 -0.235872
NW2 7DJ 0 51.563868 -0.237872
NW2 7DL 0 51.564611 -0.236458
NW2 7DP 0 51.564214 -0.238724
NW2 7DR 0 51.564022 -0.23915
NW2 7DS 1 51.562975 -0.238281
NW2 7DU 0 51.562911 -0.237606
NW2 7DW 0 51.561583 -0.238378
NW2 7DX 0 51.563402 -0.238005
NW2 7DY 0 51.563171 -0.239385
NW2 7DZ 0 51.562057 -0.237653