all postcodes in NW2 / LONDON

find any address or company within the NW2 postcode district

Postcode Area

NW / North West London

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NW2 7LB 0 51.565508 -0.245888
NW2 7LD 0 51.565305 -0.245535
NW2 7LE 0 51.565003 -0.247639
NW2 7LG 1 51.564435 -0.243289
NW2 7LH 0 51.565047 -0.245127
NW2 7LJ 0 51.564939 -0.244511
NW2 7LL 1 51.56454 -0.244718
NW2 7LN 5 51.566921 -0.238778
NW2 7LT 0 51.566158 -0.234695
NW2 7LU 0 51.56599 -0.23424
NW2 7LW 8 51.568037 -0.241231
NW2 7LX 0 51.565108 -0.236626
NW2 7LY 0 51.565341 -0.237137
NW2 7LZ 4 51.567225 -0.237453
NW2 7NA 0 51.564634 -0.241002
NW2 7NB 0 51.564427 -0.242784
NW2 7ND 0 51.564877 -0.243175
NW2 7NE 0 51.565273 -0.241641
NW2 7NG 0 51.565035 -0.241347
NW2 7NH 0 51.565656 -0.241987