all postcodes in NW2 / LONDON

find any address or company within the NW2 postcode district

Postcode Area

NW / North West London

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NW2 7TX 1 51.567398 -0.236408
NW2 7TY 0 51.566577 -0.235632
NW2 7UA 0 51.566485 -0.236082
NW2 7UB 0 51.565682 -0.237729
NW2 7UD 0 51.565945 -0.237849
NW2 7UE 0 51.566329 -0.238253
NW2 7UF 1 51.569002 -0.238211
NW2 7UG 0 51.566601 -0.238401
NW2 7UH 9 51.567542 -0.236994
NW2 7XD 0 51.562151 -0.213498
NW2 7GD 5 3 51.56847 -0.235948
NW2 7BF 47 0 51.561426 -0.239943
NW2 7FG 44 1 51.56177 -0.240059
NW2 7FH 52 0 51.562239 -0.240185
NW2 7FJ 1 1 51.570797 -0.234025
NW2 7FA 0 51.566762 -0.234589
NW2 7FL 0 51.567553 -0.234771