all postcodes in NW2 / LONDON

find any address or company within the NW2 postcode district

Postcode Area

NW / North West London

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NW2 7RU 0 51.5598 -0.244853
NW2 7RX 0 51.559455 -0.24703
NW2 7RY 0 51.559212 -0.248799
NW2 7SA 1 51.559667 -0.247382
NW2 7SB 0 51.561156 -0.245897
NW2 7SL 1 51.56414 -0.242021
NW2 7SN 1 51.563049 -0.242015
NW2 7SP 0 51.563628 -0.244042
NW2 7SR 0 51.563588 -0.244981
NW2 7SS 0 51.561922 -0.244252
NW2 7ST 0 51.561777 -0.244762
NW2 7SU 0 51.563175 -0.247421
NW2 7SX 0 51.563495 -0.247178
NW2 7SY 0 51.564516 -0.24874
NW2 7TA 1 51.564672 -0.248301
NW2 7TB 0 51.565536 -0.248975
NW2 7TD 0 51.566375 -0.246566
NW2 7TE 0 51.567381 -0.243637
NW2 7TS 9 51.569079 -0.23754
NW2 7TT 1 51.567133 -0.236129