all postcodes in NW6 / LONDON

find any address or company within the NW6 postcode district

Postcode Area

NW / North West London

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NW6 1SH 52 0 51.549939 -0.190019
NW6 1SJ 43 0 51.550346 -0.189585
NW6 1SL 26 0 51.550323 -0.190437
NW6 1SN 5 0 51.550375 -0.190867
NW6 1SP 6 0 51.550297 -0.191101
NW6 1SW 1 1 51.549196 -0.190856
NW6 1TA 9 0 51.54999 -0.190983
NW6 1TB 5 5 51.551809 -0.193338
NW6 1TE 40 0 51.55192 -0.193676
NW6 1TF 15 2 51.551901 -0.194802
NW6 1TG 10 0 51.551836 -0.195872
NW6 1TH 61 0 51.550979 -0.19569
NW6 1TJ 35 0 51.551338 -0.196224
NW6 1TL 14 0 51.550386 -0.195728
NW6 1TN 12 0 51.550719 -0.19632
NW6 1TP 24 1 51.55004 -0.196578
NW6 1TR 10 0 51.549456 -0.19601
NW6 1TS 45 0 51.5498 -0.195001
NW6 1TT 52 0 51.550248 -0.194896
NW6 1TU 33 0 51.550159 -0.196169