all postcodes in NW6 / LONDON

find any address or company within the NW6 postcode district

Postcode Area

NW / North West London

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NW6 1QY 3 0 51.551159 -0.193133
NW6 1QZ 53 0 51.550915 -0.192663
NW6 1RB 8 0 51.550938 -0.191811
NW6 1RD 37 6 51.551349 -0.192228
NW6 1RF 45 0 51.553152 -0.197234
NW6 1RH 10 0 51.551255 -0.192563
NW6 1RJ 18 0 51.551268 -0.193414
NW6 1RL 6 0 51.551408 -0.193134
NW6 1RN 7 0 51.55151 -0.192784
NW6 1RP 1 1 51.551559 -0.192479
NW6 1RR 1 1 51.551664 -0.192835
NW6 1RS 35 7 51.55194 -0.193074
NW6 1RY 10 0 51.550807 -0.19385
NW6 1RZ 406 5 51.547737 -0.189515
NW6 1SA 20 8 51.547254 -0.190861
NW6 1SB 11 0 51.547369 -0.190741
NW6 1SD 26 14 51.547859 -0.190827
NW6 1SE 16 0 51.549151 -0.190844
NW6 1SF 16 0 51.549442 -0.191063
NW6 1SG 36 9 51.549749 -0.191152