all postcodes in NW6 / LONDON

find any address or company within the NW6 postcode district

Postcode Area

NW / North West London

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NW6 1PT 50 0 51.54983 -0.197524
NW6 1PU 46 0 51.551146 -0.19776
NW6 1PZ 62 0 51.5519 -0.199404
NW6 1QA 71 0 51.552302 -0.197484
NW6 1QB 38 0 51.552482 -0.198082
NW6 1QD 98 0 51.552143 -0.200029
NW6 1QE 7 0 51.551636 -0.200972
NW6 1QF 8 0 51.552354 -0.201463
NW6 1QG 7 0 51.551898 -0.201456
NW6 1QH 30 0 51.550016 -0.198569
NW6 1QJ 6 0 51.550296 -0.199207
NW6 1QL 2 1 51.550753 -0.199482
NW6 1QN 16 0 51.551007 -0.199857
NW6 1QQ 87 0 51.5503 -0.198298
NW6 1QR 12 0 51.550639 -0.191679
NW6 1QS 11 6 51.550594 -0.191681
NW6 1QT 74 0 51.550618 -0.192675
NW6 1QU 8 0 51.549758 -0.192868
NW6 1QW 6 2 51.551231 -0.199185
NW6 1QX 42 0 51.551052 -0.193408