all postcodes in NW6 / LONDON

find any address or company within the NW6 postcode district

Postcode Area

NW / North West London

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NW6 1TW 6 0 51.550568 -0.197004
NW6 1TX 24 0 51.551382 -0.196756
NW6 1TY 37 0 51.551399 -0.197216
NW6 1UA 6 0 51.552847 -0.193149
NW6 1UB 8 0 51.552972 -0.193144
NW6 1UD 17 0 51.553077 -0.193486
NW6 1UE 32 0 51.553286 -0.194214
NW6 1UF 1 1 51.548733 -0.190543
NW6 1UG 77 0 51.553875 -0.193761
NW6 1UH 41 0 51.553892 -0.194493
NW6 1UJ 42 0 51.553753 -0.195364
NW6 1UL 8 0 51.553152 -0.194882
NW6 1UN 16 0 51.553061 -0.194645
NW6 1UP 24 0 51.552758 -0.193845
NW6 1UR 3 3 51.550874 -0.191194
NW6 1UT 18 0 51.550874 -0.191194
NW6 1UU 9 6 51.550531 -0.191106
NW6 1UX 32 0 51.550531 -0.191106
NW6 1UY 1 1 51.550297 -0.191101
NW6 1UZ 1 0 51.535964 -0.194669