all postcodes in OX10 / WALLINGFORD

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Postcode Area

OX / Oxford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
OX10 9RG 7 51.596757 -1.139962
OX10 9RJ 0 51.568382 -1.145302
OX10 9TA 15 51.597578 -1.141212
OX10 9WA 1 51.596124 -1.137
OX10 9WZ 1 51.596126 -1.13698
OX10 9XA 1 51.596124 -1.137
OX10 9XG 1 51.596124 -1.137
OX10 9XZ 1 51.596124 -1.137
OX10 9YJ 1 51.596124 -1.137
OX10 9ZB 1 51.596124 -1.137
OX10 9ZR 1 51.596124 -1.137
OX10 9JX 11 0 51.568094 -1.142768
OX10 9FE 12 51.598767 -1.139419
OX10 9GZ 0 51.568141 -1.141757
OX10 9FG 22 0 51.570414 -1.15017
OX10 9FH 0 51.570992 -1.151761
OX10 9TD 2 2 51.596674 -1.138038
OX10 9FF 0 51.568107 -1.139623
OX10 9GY 20 0 51.567951 -1.141674
OX10 9GA 0 51.570533 -1.138177