all postcodes in OX10 / WALLINGFORD

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Postcode Area

OX / Oxford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
OX10 9LS 4 51.566732 -1.16681
OX10 9LT 1 51.595865 -1.127506
OX10 9LU 0 51.562659 -1.147126
OX10 9LW 0 51.571956 -1.159506
OX10 9NA 0 51.575728 -1.153952
OX10 9NB 0 51.575904 -1.154627
OX10 9ND 2 51.575365 -1.153102
OX10 9NE 0 51.571903 -1.154687
OX10 9NF 0 51.572083 -1.153443
OX10 9NG 0 51.570721 -1.154175
OX10 9NH 0 51.571073 -1.153058
OX10 9NJ 0 51.570807 -1.152341
OX10 9NL 0 51.572798 -1.152544
OX10 9NN 0 51.572668 -1.153475
OX10 9NP 0 51.574654 -1.153323
OX10 9NQ 0 51.571322 -1.155131
OX10 9NR 0 51.574411 -1.152087
OX10 9NS 5 51.574995 -1.152936
OX10 9NT 0 51.575345 -1.152814
OX10 9NU 0 51.57544 -1.152307