all postcodes in OX10 / WALLINGFORD

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Postcode Area

OX / Oxford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
OX10 9JP 0 51.556135 -1.184054
OX10 9JQ 0 51.547922 -1.148397
OX10 9JR 1 51.547194 -1.175849
OX10 9JS 0 51.538657 -1.167683
OX10 9JT 8 51.543189 -1.156382
OX10 9JU 0 51.547985 -1.145607
OX10 9JW 2 51.552658 -1.172851
OX10 9LA 0 51.582959 -1.143022
OX10 9LB 0 51.578172 -1.147485
OX10 9LD 0 51.577831 -1.150017
OX10 9LE 0 51.57629 -1.148271
OX10 9LF 0 51.576096 -1.148866
OX10 9LG 1 51.576814 -1.151219
OX10 9LH 0 51.575109 -1.154123
OX10 9LJ 1 51.570719 -1.155901
OX10 9LL 0 51.570265 -1.153246
OX10 9LN 0 51.570488 -1.157917
OX10 9LP 0 51.573761 -1.158044
OX10 9LQ 1 51.576215 -1.152861
OX10 9LR 1 51.571245 -1.162