all postcodes in OX10 / WALLINGFORD

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Postcode Area

OX / Oxford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
OX10 9HN 0 51.568086 -1.144067
OX10 9HP 1 51.55716 -1.150186
OX10 9HQ 0 51.576236 -1.131114
OX10 9HR 1 51.555661 -1.149291
OX10 9HS 0 51.553575 -1.150204
OX10 9HT 1 51.553299 -1.153079
OX10 9HU 3 51.552989 -1.150264
OX10 9HW 1 51.564229 -1.14624
OX10 9HX 0 51.553349 -1.1538
OX10 9HZ 0 51.552655 -1.153847
OX10 9JA 0 51.552463 -1.152148
OX10 9JB 1 51.557169 -1.150186
OX10 9JD 1 51.550039 -1.149021
OX10 9JE 0 51.551582 -1.149756
OX10 9JF 1 51.547603 -1.146557
OX10 9JG 0 51.546422 -1.147386
OX10 9JH 0 51.547738 -1.150246
OX10 9JJ 0 51.548569 -1.150793
OX10 9JL 0 51.549067 -1.151317
OX10 9JN 0 51.554896 -1.165416