all postcodes in OX20 / WOODSTOCK

find any address or company within the OX20 postcode district

Postcode Area

OX / Oxford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
OX20 1DR 5 0 51.874 -1.36252
OX20 1DS 1 0 51.874502 -1.363965
OX20 1DT 7 0 51.874523 -1.364546
OX20 1DU 5 0 51.874596 -1.364763
OX20 1DW 2 0 51.872321 -1.361655
OX20 1DX 18 0 51.875296 -1.364837
OX20 1DY 1 0 51.875738 -1.36479
OX20 1DZ 6 0 51.875744 -1.364136
OX20 1EA 1 0 51.875611 -1.362933
OX20 1EB 3 0 51.875392 -1.363996
OX20 1ED 3 0 51.876411 -1.364432
OX20 1EE 6 0 51.875891 -1.365061
OX20 1EG 20 0 51.877391 -1.364534
OX20 1EH 9 0 51.879101 -1.363217
OX20 1EJ 1 1 51.88 -1.364846
OX20 1EL 4 0 51.881101 -1.365499
OX20 1EN 26 0 51.875796 -1.358848
OX20 1EP 3 0 51.870032 -1.350779
OX20 1EQ 38 0 51.877808 -1.365211
OX20 1ER 3 1 51.867693 -1.34701