all postcodes in OX20 / WOODSTOCK

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Postcode Area

OX / Oxford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
OX20 1ES 3 0 51.880914 -1.349332
OX20 1ET 2 0 51.862409 -1.327029
OX20 1EU 11 0 51.876282 -1.365668
OX20 1EW 1 0 51.875145 -1.353236
OX20 1EY 15 0 51.876007 -1.359932
OX20 1EZ 6 0 51.875889 -1.357728
OX20 1FR 1 1 51.823003 -1.287429
OX20 1HA 3 0 51.8823 -1.36615
OX20 1HD 5 0 51.850103 -1.384735
OX20 1HE 1 0 51.850661 -1.364577
OX20 1HF 1 0 51.862571 -1.373979
OX20 1HH 1 0 51.868486 -1.380694
OX20 1HJ 10 0 51.87044 -1.389861
OX20 1HL 2 0 51.869803 -1.402634
OX20 1HN 3 0 51.875787 -1.406843
OX20 1HP 1 0 51.868788 -1.415141
OX20 1HQ 2 0 51.866756 -1.387135
OX20 1HR 1 1 51.872468 -1.383937
OX20 1HS 1 0 51.876121 -1.394796
OX20 1HT 4 2 51.868722 -1.377699