all postcodes in OX20 / WOODSTOCK

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Postcode Area

OX / Oxford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
OX20 1HU 2 0 51.861382 -1.365512
OX20 1HW 1 0 51.872935 -1.415479
OX20 1JE 25 0 51.849363 -1.352371
OX20 1JF 25 1 51.848045 -1.353174
OX20 1JG 1 1 51.849052 -1.353116
OX20 1JH 17 0 51.848967 -1.348994
OX20 1JJ 4 0 51.850068 -1.349879
OX20 1JL 39 4 51.847987 -1.350663
OX20 1JQ 8 3 51.84744 -1.35266
OX20 1JS 14 0 51.848757 -1.351785
OX20 1JT 15 0 51.849866 -1.350694
OX20 1JU 10 0 51.848925 -1.351187
OX20 1JX 10 0 51.848994 -1.352406
OX20 1JY 20 0 51.849871 -1.348299
OX20 1JZ 19 0 51.850878 -1.349896
OX20 1LA 16 0 51.849749 -1.347473
OX20 1LB 48 0 51.851034 -1.352129
OX20 1LE 5 0 51.826087 -1.359336
OX20 1LF 8 0 51.849256 -1.346014
OX20 1LG 24 0 51.849724 -1.349375