all postcodes in PA5 / JOHNSTONE

find any address or company within the PA5 postcode district

Postcode Area

PA / Paisley

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PA5 0LD 17 0 55.828109 -4.526543
PA5 0LE 36 0 55.827593 -4.526286
PA5 0LF 13 0 55.8273 -4.528263
PA5 0LG 40 0 55.826294 -4.529108
PA5 0LH 20 0 55.825004 -4.531962
PA5 0LJ 6 0 55.824612 -4.531346
PA5 0LL 6 0 55.824317 -4.530863
PA5 0LN 28 0 55.824478 -4.530459
PA5 0LP 8 0 55.825 -4.530413
PA5 0LQ 24 0 55.826229 -4.53054
PA5 0LR 24 0 55.824727 -4.52883
PA5 0LS 24 0 55.825624 -4.53023
PA5 0LT 24 0 55.825752 -4.528817
PA5 0LU 15 0 55.826698 -4.528287
PA5 0LW 8 0 55.825252 -4.531259
PA5 0LX 5 0 55.826812 -4.527513
PA5 0LY 14 0 55.827224 -4.527156
PA5 0LZ 1 0 55.826083 -4.526284
PA5 0NA 20 0 55.827379 -4.52533
PA5 0NB 12 0 55.828184 -4.525047