all postcodes in PA5 / JOHNSTONE

find any address or company within the PA5 postcode district

Postcode Area

PA / Paisley

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PA5 0RX 40 0 55.818345 -4.528432
PA5 0RY 10 0 55.818847 -4.52848
PA5 0RZ 21 0 55.819198 -4.529349
PA5 0SA 7 5 55.818482 -4.532
PA5 0SB 7 0 55.819903 -4.533498
PA5 0SD 3 1 55.818246 -4.534971
PA5 0SE 4 0 55.820841 -4.533558
PA5 0SG 8 0 55.81808 -4.532565
PA5 0SH 6 0 55.816877 -4.532934
PA5 0SJ 13 0 55.8174 -4.533256
PA5 0SL 13 0 55.81782 -4.532948
PA5 0SN 28 0 55.816713 -4.533897
PA5 0SP 5 1 55.821278 -4.50544
PA5 0SQ 45 1 55.820545 -4.530251
PA5 0SR 1 0 55.816497 -4.501621
PA5 0SS 22 0 55.818413 -4.533385
PA5 0ST 16 0 55.817751 -4.53414
PA5 0SU 12 0 55.816595 -4.53132
PA5 0SX 38 0 55.815509 -4.531281
PA5 0SY 40 0 55.815575 -4.528476