all postcodes in PA5 / JOHNSTONE

find any address or company within the PA5 postcode district

Postcode Area

PA / Paisley

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PA5 0PQ 33 0 55.821078 -4.536257
PA5 0PR 14 0 55.821238 -4.538518
PA5 0PS 4 0 55.820629 -4.536212
PA5 0PT 28 0 55.821452 -4.53684
PA5 0RA 1 0 55.822478 -4.531095
PA5 0RB 2 1 55.819823 -4.532806
PA5 0RD 24 0 55.820847 -4.529137
PA5 0RE 11 0 55.819875 -4.531357
PA5 0RF 17 0 55.820859 -4.53206
PA5 0RG 33 0 55.82124 -4.532292
PA5 0RH 2 0 55.822799 -4.531419
PA5 0RJ 39 1 55.821978 -4.528332
PA5 0RL 33 0 55.819909 -4.527544
PA5 0RN 48 0 55.820208 -4.527866
PA5 0RP 43 0 55.818587 -4.526692
PA5 0RQ 12 0 55.820033 -4.532437
PA5 0RR 22 0 55.81798 -4.526509
PA5 0RS 42 0 55.817437 -4.525372
PA5 0RT 6 0 55.818278 -4.524229
PA5 0RW 44 0 55.819321 -4.527266