all postcodes in PA5 / JOHNSTONE

find any address or company within the PA5 postcode district

Postcode Area

PA / Paisley

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PA5 0SZ 23 0 55.815531 -4.525376
PA5 0TA 17 0 55.816218 -4.530896
PA5 0TB 48 0 55.816438 -4.529777
PA5 0TD 35 0 55.816184 -4.528148
PA5 0TE 53 0 55.8163 -4.526032
PA5 0TF 22 0 55.816969 -4.527129
PA5 0BB 4 55.827686 -4.521932
PA5 0JA 1 55.823605 -4.526554
PA5 0EJ 33 0 55.827202 -4.518612
PA5 0TH 13 0 55.820081 -4.534243
PA5 0TJ 53 0 55.818987 -4.535848
PA5 0TL 25 0 55.819868 -4.535858
PA5 0TN 28 0 55.819636 -4.535747
PA5 0TP 6 0 55.819367 -4.535267