all postcodes in PE12 / SPALDING

find any address or company within the PE12 postcode district

Postcode Area

PE / Peterborough

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PE12 6PZ 5 0 52.798698 -0.065016
PE12 6QA 12 0 52.795019 -0.06198
PE12 6QB 33 7 52.79766 -0.062945
PE12 6QE 50 0 52.794245 -0.062707
PE12 6QF 6 0 52.79172 -0.063294
PE12 6QG 14 0 52.783716 -0.059723
PE12 6QH 8 0 52.787713 -0.053999
PE12 6QJ 15 0 52.795433 -0.056187
PE12 6QL 13 0 52.79569 -0.061427
PE12 6QN 38 1 52.795589 -0.065703
PE12 6QP 5 0 52.79388 -0.06381
PE12 6QQ 17 0 52.790366 -0.063562
PE12 6QR 54 0 52.793865 -0.065275
PE12 6QT 20 0 52.792058 -0.065296
PE12 6QU 2 0 52.804968 -0.051864
PE12 6QW 36 0 52.79488 -0.063944
PE12 6QY 1 0 52.798446 -0.062268
PE12 6RA 23 1 52.807555 -0.084286
PE12 6RB 10 0 52.806971 -0.084861
PE12 6RE 2 0 52.807523 -0.077329