all postcodes in PE14 / WISBECH

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Postcode Area

PE / Peterborough

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PE14 8BU 13 0 52.641384 0.206502
PE14 8DA 19 3 52.641417 0.208603
PE14 8DD 33 7 52.641205 0.208001
PE14 8DE 40 1 52.641761 0.21239
PE14 8DF 69 0 52.644975 0.209285
PE14 8DG 8 0 52.648601 0.211035
PE14 8DH 4 0 52.653089 0.213893
PE14 8DJ 18 1 52.656991 0.215377
PE14 8DL 5 1 52.664899 0.219829
PE14 8DP 13 0 52.666531 0.249284
PE14 8DQ 6 0 52.654466 0.208447
PE14 8DR 4 0 52.659697 0.240179
PE14 8DT 1 0 52.65738 0.241006
PE14 8DU 1 0 52.656709 0.237941
PE14 8DW 29 0 52.641036 0.211643
PE14 8DX 4 0 52.649128 0.232291
PE14 8DY 1 0 52.648127 0.231486
PE14 8DZ 3 0 52.651906 0.216509
PE14 8EA 3 0 52.650033 0.222033
PE14 8EB 31 0 52.644211 0.208211