all postcodes in PE14 / WISBECH

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Postcode Area

PE / Peterborough

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PE14 8PN 4 1 52.621207 0.230515
PE14 8PP 1 0 52.622343 0.249839
PE14 8PQ 10 0 52.621161 0.223377
PE14 8PR 5 0 52.618663 0.254688
PE14 8PS 2 0 52.616869 0.255498
PE14 8PT 7 1 52.613681 0.260002
PE14 8PW 4 0 52.626556 0.242962
PE14 8PX 3 0 52.609606 0.261476
PE14 8PY 1 0 52.625066 0.243758
PE14 8PZ 5 0 52.610033 0.233226
PE14 8QA 2 0 52.601629 0.260165
PE14 8QD 1 0 52.602067 0.261146
PE14 8QJ 2 0 52.614029 0.276565
PE14 8QL 11 0 52.619673 0.263576
PE14 8QN 3 0 52.61869 0.284251
PE14 8QP 8 0 52.614667 0.233048
PE14 8QQ 5 0 52.601963 0.273252
PE14 8QY 8 0 52.608059 0.233022
PE14 8RA 1 1 52.609506 0.232121
PE14 8RB 82 0 52.610512 0.229292