all postcodes in PE14 / WISBECH

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Postcode Area

PE / Peterborough

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PE14 8SL 7 1 52.605437 0.250953
PE14 8SQ 1 0 52.61263 0.245678
PE14 8TA 16 0 52.610468 0.232081
PE14 8TB 7 0 52.611048 0.230412
PE14 8TD 53 7 52.61385 0.232032
PE14 8TF 1 1 52.614667 0.231645
PE14 8TH 8 0 52.618356 0.223367
PE14 8TJ 13 0 52.615135 0.218759
PE14 8TL 32 0 52.613449 0.218481
PE14 8TP 9 0 52.612796 0.218255
PE14 8AW 12 0 52.614162 0.22023
PE14 8TQ 22 0 52.618689 0.228201
PE14 8TW 8 0 52.613212 0.217685
PE14 8RS 0 52.606769 0.228496
PE14 8RT 0 52.607106 0.227789
PE14 8RW 0 52.60735 0.226724
PE14 8AU 6 0 52.640496 0.210316
PE14 8RN 23 0 52.607721 0.228027
PE14 8RJ 4 0 52.606736 0.229292
PE14 8AR 2 0 52.63637 0.213167