all postcodes in PH13 / BLAIRGOWRIE

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Postcode Area

PH / Perth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PH13 9DB 5 56.545224 -3.267325
PH13 9DD 4 56.544982 -3.265479
PH13 9DE 0 56.544204 -3.266039
PH13 9DG 0 56.543412 -3.266288
PH13 9DH 8 56.545007 -3.268342
PH13 9DJ 2 56.544163 -3.270167
PH13 9DL 0 56.544939 -3.269819
PH13 9DN 1 56.545195 -3.269308
PH13 9DP 1 56.545863 -3.26894
PH13 9DQ 0 56.542617 -3.265871
PH13 9DR 0 56.545664 -3.27012
PH13 9DS 0 56.545708 -3.271065
PH13 9DT 1 56.546119 -3.270461
PH13 9DU 0 56.546596 -3.271257
PH13 9DW 3 56.54545 -3.268242
PH13 9DX 0 56.546198 -3.273293
PH13 9DY 0 56.546219 -3.271961
PH13 9EA 0 56.546184 -3.272886
PH13 9EB 0 56.545908 -3.273528
PH13 9ED 0 56.545297 -3.273491