all postcodes in PH13 / BLAIRGOWRIE

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Postcode Area

PH / Perth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PH13 9HD 0 56.548363 -3.277677
PH13 9HE 0 56.544032 -3.292461
PH13 9HF 0 56.553137 -3.284167
PH13 9HG 0 56.548062 -3.326123
PH13 9HH 0 56.551691 -3.308258
PH13 9HJ 0 56.55615 -3.302994
PH13 9HL 1 56.553719 -3.300047
PH13 9HN 0 56.559901 -3.298274
PH13 9HP 0 56.569175 -3.313419
PH13 9HQ 0 56.538449 -3.334454
PH13 9HR 0 56.561803 -3.321511
PH13 9HS 0 56.564245 -3.299627
PH13 9HT 0 56.573903 -3.263091
PH13 9HU 0 56.559281 -3.273098
PH13 9HW 0 56.566543 -3.3041
PH13 9HX 0 56.56405 -3.304519
PH13 9JB 1 56.540301 -3.268233
PH13 9JD 0 56.535233 -3.258584
PH13 9JE 0 56.529809 -3.269784
PH13 9JF 0 56.52564 -3.27592