all postcodes in PH13 / BLAIRGOWRIE

find any address or company within the PH13 postcode district

Postcode Area

PH / Perth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PH13 9EE 0 56.547555 -3.275828
PH13 9EF 0 56.545388 -3.276893
PH13 9EG 0 56.545926 -3.275285
PH13 9EH 0 56.545131 -3.271241
PH13 9EJ 0 56.542182 -3.263514
PH13 9EL 0 56.545121 -3.275665
PH13 9EN 0 56.54203 -3.26525
PH13 9EP 0 56.551959 -3.261515
PH13 9EQ 0 56.545074 -3.272442
PH13 9ER 0 56.549459 -3.254567
PH13 9ES 0 56.552815 -3.251506
PH13 9ET 0 56.558402 -3.238315
PH13 9EU 0 56.566773 -3.234
PH13 9EW 0 56.546116 -3.277715
PH13 9EX 0 56.577268 -3.224835
PH13 9EY 1 56.56389 -3.215536
PH13 9EZ 0 56.558792 -3.211498
PH13 9FE 0 56.545446 -3.266795
PH13 9HA 0 56.546748 -3.236585
PH13 9HB 0 56.538035 -3.256026