all postcodes in PH13 / BLAIRGOWRIE

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Postcode Area

PH / Perth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PH13 9JG 0 56.525205 -3.27272
PH13 9JH 0 56.532146 -3.25375
PH13 9JJ 1 56.537323 -3.243758
PH13 9JL 2 56.536371 -3.238312
PH13 9JN 0 56.537037 -3.238252
PH13 9JP 0 56.538841 -3.233872
PH13 9JQ 0 56.526262 -3.262529
PH13 9JR 1 56.534568 -3.223489
PH13 9JS 0 56.54067 -3.209667
PH13 9JX 0 56.526214 -3.21423
PH13 9JT 0 56.547381 -3.191111
PH13 9JU 0 56.545999 -3.17869
PH13 9JW 0 56.537259 -3.238455
PH13 9JY 0 56.527051 -3.235878
PH13 9JZ 0 56.519174 -3.210981
PH13 9LA 2 56.512705 -3.198099
PH13 9LB 0 56.517597 -3.233441
PH13 9LD 0 56.512 -3.238801
PH13 9LE 0 56.502278 -3.262024
PH13 9LG 1 56.496943 -3.274176