all postcodes in PL12 / SALTASH

find any address or company within the PL12 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL12 4DE 0 50.405085 -4.233776
PL12 4DF 0 50.406138 -4.233249
PL12 4DG 0 50.406718 -4.233051
PL12 4DH 0 50.405965 -4.211257
PL12 4DJ 0 50.405213 -4.231784
PL12 4DL 0 50.408079 -4.213157
PL12 4DN 0 50.408381 -4.214297
PL12 4DP 0 50.408002 -4.211791
PL12 4DQ 0 50.405042 -4.232961
PL12 4DR 2 50.407033 -4.210885
PL12 4DS 0 50.40677 -4.209127
PL12 4DT 0 50.406678 -4.208265
PL12 4DU 0 50.407134 -4.20747
PL12 4DW 2 50.40847 -4.211965
PL12 4DY 0 50.407248 -4.209814
PL12 4DZ 0 50.406874 -4.229374
PL12 4EA 0 50.40765 -4.210632
PL12 4EB 1 50.407723 -4.208651
PL12 4ED 0 50.40783 -4.213005
PL12 4EE 0 50.408161 -4.215934