all postcodes in PL13 / LOOE

find any address or company within the PL13 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL13 2ED 1 0 50.356513 -4.457162
PL13 2EE 9 6 50.35589 -4.457518
PL13 2EF 3 0 50.355647 -4.457286
PL13 2EG 4 0 50.355359 -4.457286
PL13 2EH 14 0 50.35464 -4.456855
PL13 2EJ 13 0 50.353832 -4.456785
PL13 2EL 6 0 50.353491 -4.457175
PL13 2EN 8 0 50.35326 -4.457009
PL13 2EP 9 4 50.352896 -4.456807
PL13 2EQ 11 0 50.355045 -4.457255
PL13 2ER 19 1 50.353413 -4.456595
PL13 2ES 25 6 50.353392 -4.456312
PL13 2ET 1 0 50.352916 -4.457117
PL13 2EU 5 1 50.353039 -4.456407
PL13 2EW 10 0 50.353062 -4.457246
PL13 2EX 16 2 50.352697 -4.456825
PL13 2EY 4 0 50.352387 -4.457891
PL13 2EZ 12 1 50.352577 -4.457437
PL13 2HA 14 0 50.352852 -4.457578
PL13 2HB 13 0 50.351769 -4.457559