all postcodes in PL13 / LOOE

find any address or company within the PL13 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL13 1BG 4 0 50.35453 -4.452674
PL13 1BH 13 0 50.355585 -4.453214
PL13 1BJ 23 1 50.355032 -4.454035
PL13 1BW 19 9 50.353302 -4.453532
PL13 1BN 3 1 50.353467 -4.453603
PL13 1BP 10 8 50.353089 -4.453395
PL13 1BQ 15 0 50.354285 -4.453195
PL13 1BS 11 5 50.352921 -4.452647
PL13 1BT 5 0 50.352433 -4.45272
PL13 1BU 8 2 50.352815 -4.452093
PL13 1BX 7 3 50.35232 -4.452995
PL13 1BY 5 0 50.352348 -4.453146
PL13 1BZ 5 0 50.352412 -4.453093
PL13 1DA 12 0 50.352582 -4.453754
PL13 1DB 11 1 50.352535 -4.453428
PL13 1DD 6 1 50.353192 -4.452782
PL13 1DE 25 0 50.353386 -4.452333
PL13 1DF 4 4 50.352789 -4.454215
PL13 1DG 19 0 50.35629 -4.451541
PL13 1DH 1 1 50.359809 -4.448868