all postcodes in PL13 / LOOE

find any address or company within the PL13 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL13 1FD 0 50.366129 -4.452006
PL13 1FE 0 50.366153 -4.452598
PL13 1FB 11 0 50.362854 -4.45103
PL13 1FF 0 50.358308 -4.455042
PL13 2AA 1 0 50.359409 -4.459745
PL13 2AB 1 0 50.336815 -4.448627
PL13 2AD 4 0 50.356137 -4.457073
PL13 2AE 2 2 50.357254 -4.457223
PL13 2AF 13 7 50.357125 -4.457821
PL13 2AG 18 0 50.356768 -4.458314
PL13 2AH 5 0 50.35732 -4.459833
PL13 2AL 3 1 50.356773 -4.46526
PL13 2AN 19 0 50.356172 -4.463514
PL13 2AP 6 0 50.355926 -4.459846
PL13 2AQ 38 0 50.356625 -4.460388
PL13 2AR 17 1 50.355781 -4.462439
PL13 2AS 11 0 50.356352 -4.460107
PL13 2AU 16 0 50.356327 -4.459599
PL13 2AW 54 0 50.356283 -4.464223
PL13 2AX 7 0 50.356444 -4.459155