all postcodes in PL13 / LOOE

find any address or company within the PL13 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL13 1QP 34 0 50.384303 -4.42651
PL13 1QQ 8 5 50.363593 -4.447524
PL13 1QR 6 0 50.383722 -4.421177
PL13 1QS 12 1 50.381785 -4.42392
PL13 1QT 12 0 50.383871 -4.428275
PL13 1QW 8 0 50.396582 -4.413939
PL13 1LW 4 0 50.35943 -4.454895
PL13 1HQ 5 0 50.357611 -4.453282
PL13 1QX 0 50.395896 -4.413594
PL13 1PG 0 50.362748 -4.446679
PL13 1LH 1 0 50.358511 -4.444302
PL13 1AB 5 0 50.3595 -4.443045
PL13 1AF 9 0 50.357676 -4.450221
PL13 1AG 10 0 50.396848 -4.416274
PL13 1FA 0 50.366175 -4.447284
PL13 1QY 20 0 50.394478 -4.409976
PL13 1PS 0 50.365705 -4.451908
PL13 1PT 0 50.367603 -4.451224
PL13 1PU 28 0 50.366457 -4.450343
PL13 1QU 13 0 50.367098 -4.449567