all postcodes in PL17 / CALLINGTON

find any address or company within the PL17 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL17 8DF 19 0 50.50509 -4.238169
PL17 8DG 10 0 50.505608 -4.237883
PL17 8DH 3 0 50.503593 -4.229919
PL17 8DJ 3 0 50.506412 -4.231535
PL17 8DL 1 0 50.507614 -4.236469
PL17 8DN 12 0 50.502244 -4.244888
PL17 8DP 19 0 50.519921 -4.316788
PL17 8DQ 7 0 50.500053 -4.236309
PL17 8DR 4 0 50.520692 -4.313285
PL17 8DS 22 1 50.510866 -4.313468
PL17 8DT 36 0 50.51735 -4.314899
PL17 8DU 23 2 50.520786 -4.317155
PL17 8DW 3 0 50.518112 -4.316827
PL17 8DX 7 0 50.508467 -4.31335
PL17 8DY 3 0 50.50905 -4.312998
PL17 8DZ 19 0 50.509897 -4.312381
PL17 8EA 2 0 50.517736 -4.312581
PL17 8GB 3 0 50.511114 -4.308698
PL17 8EB 1 0 50.509846 -4.306873
PL17 8ED 9 0 50.511195 -4.314584