all postcodes in PL17 / CALLINGTON

find any address or company within the PL17 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL17 8BG 17 0 50.50829 -4.261029
PL17 8BB 2 0 50.50669 -4.26183
PL17 8BD 4 0 50.507031 -4.261039
PL17 8BE 3 0 50.507328 -4.261011
PL17 8BH 3 0 50.504005 -4.245945
PL17 8BJ 46 1 50.502028 -4.245358
PL17 8BL 8 1 50.500917 -4.255388
PL17 8BN 79 0 50.50075 -4.260615
PL17 8BP 12 0 50.496282 -4.252262
PL17 8BQ 17 1 50.506397 -4.257486
PL17 8FB 2 1 50.504035 -4.248009
PL17 8BS 7 0 50.506002 -4.259354
PL17 8BW 1 0 50.498951 -4.255647
PL17 8BX 8 0 50.501774 -4.245938
PL17 8BY 4 0 50.491977 -4.233446
PL17 8BZ 5 0 50.493472 -4.239439
PL17 8DA 4 0 50.50041 -4.244844
PL17 8DB 34 0 50.504917 -4.244338
PL17 8DD 11 0 50.506247 -4.244278
PL17 8DE 24 0 50.504729 -4.24055