all postcodes in PL17 / CALLINGTON

find any address or company within the PL17 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL17 8AF 2 0 50.498007 -4.273994
PL17 8AG 7 0 50.492517 -4.278435
PL17 8AH 7 0 50.505926 -4.27619
PL17 8AJ 2 0 50.509662 -4.280069
PL17 8AL 7 0 50.502478 -4.270369
PL17 8AN 11 0 50.503568 -4.286809
PL17 8AQ 6 0 50.493488 -4.281655
PL17 8AR 3 0 50.506988 -4.261883
PL17 8AS 10 2 50.50501 -4.29991
PL17 8AT 2 0 50.507291 -4.300011
PL17 8AU 4 1 50.508051 -4.29302
PL17 8AW 4 0 50.504712 -4.299994
PL17 8AX 4 1 50.51159 -4.288268
PL17 8AY 2 0 50.511939 -4.284157
PL17 8AZ 10 0 50.505083 -4.260382
PL17 8BA 36 1 50.506458 -4.260885
PL17 8BG 17 0 50.50829 -4.261029
PL17 8BB 2 0 50.50669 -4.26183
PL17 8BD 4 0 50.507031 -4.261039
PL17 8BE 3 0 50.507328 -4.261011