all postcodes in PL17 / CALLINGTON

find any address or company within the PL17 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL17 7TP 13 0 50.497324 -4.318277
PL17 7TR 3 0 50.498078 -4.317891
PL17 7TW 44 0 50.497482 -4.316649
PL17 7XG 1 1 50.505064 -4.304825
PL17 7TU 5 0 50.498277 -4.316039
PL17 7BJ 0 50.503184 -4.311259
PL17 7TT 7 0 50.496994 -4.318599
PL17 7TG 4 0 50.498364 -4.316664
PL17 7AL 0 50.504407 -4.313998
PL17 7PY 1 0 50.501942 -4.304048
PL17 7GB 6 0 50.504677 -4.31482
PL17 7FG 4 0 50.504408 -4.316198
PL17 7FD 3 0 50.502616 -4.314475
PL17 7FA 2 0 50.504247 -4.30793
PL17 7FE 0 50.510869 -4.316486
PL17 7FB 7 0 50.504729 -4.314098
PL17 8AA 6 0 50.501351 -4.298012
PL17 8AB 1 0 50.494813 -4.291575
PL17 8AD 4 2 50.499768 -4.28843
PL17 8AE 3 0 50.499646 -4.279526