all postcodes in PL17 / CALLINGTON

find any address or company within the PL17 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL17 7RA 4 0 50.497723 -4.319932
PL17 7RB 6 0 50.503846 -4.310558
PL17 7RD 4 2 50.50489 -4.307308
PL17 7RE 16 2 50.503454 -4.315348
PL17 7RF 1 0 50.538327 -4.398716
PL17 7RH 3 0 50.500024 -4.314108
PL17 7RQ 2 1 50.502499 -4.312584
PL17 7SB 2 2 50.506859 -4.303671
PL17 7SD 17 11 50.505466 -4.302302
PL17 7SH 14 11 50.507506 -4.301498
PL17 7SP 1 1 50.505498 -4.302994
PL17 7TA 1 1 50.505028 -4.304015
PL17 7TB 3 0 50.49686 -4.320355
PL17 7TD 12 0 50.498304 -4.319185
PL17 7TE 36 0 50.498102 -4.318978
PL17 7TF 21 0 50.497907 -4.318799
PL17 7TH 3 0 50.496252 -4.320156
PL17 7TJ 17 0 50.497473 -4.31576
PL17 7TL 7 0 50.495993 -4.319622
PL17 7TN 28 0 50.497239 -4.317568