all postcodes in PL18 / CALSTOCK

find any address or company within the PL18 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL18 9SJ 0 50.495894 -4.197802
PL18 9SL 0 50.497623 -4.209433
PL18 9SQ 3 50.500429 -4.195291
PL18 9TA 0 50.517274 -4.244374
PL18 9TB 0 50.517008 -4.24329
PL18 9TD 0 50.517599 -4.243882
PL18 9TE 0 50.516941 -4.243964
PL18 9TF 0 50.517657 -4.245549
PL18 9TG 0 50.517774 -4.244528
PL18 9DW 0 50.515274 -4.223487
PL18 9FG 0 50.51695 -4.246757
PL18 9FD 14 0 50.516223 -4.237328
PL18 9FE 1 50.514528 -4.222041
PL18 9GZ 10 0 50.515062 -4.245313
PL18 9BQ 14 0 50.515554 -4.220032
PL18 9FH 0 50.51441 -4.220613
PL18 9FB 9 0 50.51512 -4.2333
PL18 9FF 0 50.516704 -4.239808
PL18 9FJ 0 50.515232 -4.234519