all postcodes in PL18 / CALSTOCK

find any address or company within the PL18 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL18 9RF 0 50.500159 -4.213232
PL18 9RG 0 50.49954 -4.213722
PL18 9RH 0 50.498695 -4.21137
PL18 9RN 2 50.496233 -4.20601
PL18 9RQ 0 50.498355 -4.206052
PL18 9RR 0 50.496365 -4.206991
PL18 9RS 0 50.49656 -4.20728
PL18 9RT 0 50.497156 -4.209862
PL18 9RU 0 50.496626 -4.208893
PL18 9RW 0 50.496506 -4.205825
PL18 9RX 0 50.497373 -4.210392
PL18 9RY 1 50.49835 -4.217206
PL18 9RZ 0 50.502144 -4.224802
PL18 9SA 0 50.500572 -4.221386
PL18 9SB 0 50.504486 -4.22463
PL18 9SD 1 50.504629 -4.219517
PL18 9SE 1 50.503694 -4.217104
PL18 9SF 0 50.505445 -4.207697
PL18 9SG 0 50.502075 -4.206691
PL18 9SH 2 50.49659 -4.199018